My Twisted Writer Brain…

Let’s Chat About Blogging

I’ve been blogging and/or writing a column for several years. I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned and am always here to offer an opinion.

Oh a whim last week, I decided to take a webinar course led by Jane Friedman. If you’re not familiar with her work check out her website. She’s a wealth of information on all things writing.

I believe as writers (or just as humans), we always have a capacity to learn and grow within our craft. The webinar was a great reminder for me of what I needed to focus on and why I’m driven to continue.

Blogging is not an easy feat. It takes a lot of time and patience. It means having to come up with original and interesting content and then actually get it on the page and published. I love to hear from readers that it’s making a difference or having some impact.

I have two blogs.

The first:

My Twisted Writer Brain

deals with all things writing. This blog is a focused mishmash of How-To, Inspiration, Personal Journey, and Common Sense Craft…and I love it.

My second blog is more opinion based. It is called

Auntie Says…

It’s all about info for young people. Everyone knows that if you can’t ask your mom you can always ask Auntie. I became an Auntie at the age of four and now have more than fifty nieces and nephews.

These two blogs offer different perspectives of life–both personal– while serving distinct sections of my brain.

As Jane Friedman says, while blogging, focus is one of the key elements needed to succeed. This means not only focus on your audience and subject but also focus on writing and posting on a consistent basis. This is so important.

I began blogging when I was trying to pitch a nonfiction book and for that you need some sort of audience platform. The general public needs to know who you are and want to read what you have to say. I’m not a Hollywood celebrity so I had to start from scratch.

This is the link specifically to Jane Friedman’s blog. It’s amazing and informative. Remember though to always keep it your own. Readers want to hear your voice through your writing. Don’t try and get all fancy shmancy and be something you’re not…it’ll backfire.

One thing I really took away from the the webinar was the fact of how difficult it can be to build up an audience and readership. That really is where you come in.

Do you have a favorite blog? Maybe it’s My Twisted Writer Brain…(I can hope, right?). No matter which it is there are ways to assist the blog in becoming more successful and you’ll be appreciated to the moon and back.

A blog, to be successful, needs INTERACTION and REACTION. So, if you want to help a blogger–which of course I know you want to–the best thing you can do is:

SHARE the blog. Whether you get it on Facebook or you find it online. If you like what you see then SHARE.

RETWEET on Twitter. To retweet a blog helps in building the algorithm that google recognizes for searches.

FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE this is a great form of interaction and it also means you don’t need to go searching for that great My Twisted Writer Brain blog because it’ll come right to your email.

I’m glad you were able to stop by. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment on the blog or go through my website. I’ll always answer back.

Thanks All. I hope you chose to Subscribe or share below.

6 thoughts on “Let’s Chat About Blogging”

  1. Great blog post … on blogging! I especially need to focus, with my blogs, on consistent blogging. Life keeps getting in the way! (Including Covid-19 right now which has added significantly to my business hours). Thank you for your reminders about how to blog successfully. And yes, Jane Friedman is pretty amazing!

  2. Great post. I need a reminder as well to keep it up more regularly. Hard to do sometimes. I do want to keep it up though for several reasons. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for the comment Julie. Keeping up is definitely the most difficult thing to do. It was suggested that you produce a bunch of blogs and schedule them for posting. But even then you need to go back to each one and address them properly into the different social media. Lots to do. Hoping though that it makes a difference as this continues to grow. Good luck.

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