Faye Arcand, My Twisted Writer Brain…

Ten Twisted Writer Brain Facts You Need to Know

Sometimes in life we need to step back and allow our brains to wander. That’s what I did here and I wanted to share it with you. While I’m not sure if the facts will blow your mind they’re fun. Enjoy the lightness of the day.

My favorites are #5 and #9. What’s your favorite?



source: didyouknowfacts.com


source: didyouknowfacts.com

I Love this skeleton guy. I really feel now that I need to go to Turkey so I can get a picture of this. A centuries old lounger!!


source: didyouknowfacts.com

So, if you’re anything like me, you’ll have gone through the alphabet to confirm this information. It’s been said that there is no real word in the English language that rhymes with orange and now I guess we know better.


This is just too cool! I love it when these things are pointed out to me. It seems so simple but so complex. Do you ever wonder if these are just random or was it all planned out….hmmm….



The answer is at the end of this post but make sure you at least try.




The longest word is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis  which is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. 

#7 answer: The word is starting! starting, staring, string, sting, sing, sin, in, I. 

#9: piggy back ride/side by side/lap top computer/parallel bars/forty days and forty nights/all hands on deck.

4 thoughts on “Ten Twisted Writer Brain Facts You Need to Know”

  1. Some good brain teasers in there. Thankful for Shakespeare adding some fun lingo

    On Tue., Oct. 27, 2020, 7:38 p.m. Faye E. Arcand, wrote:

    > Faye Arcand posted: ” Sometimes in life we need to step back and allow our > brains to wander. That’s what I did here and I wanted to share it with you. > While I’m not sure if the facts will blow your mind they’re fun. Enjoy the > lightness of the day. My favorites are #5 and” >

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