Auntie Says..., Faye Arcand

How You Can Make an Elders Day a Bit Better

We all know that Christmas is different this year. Many young people have lost employment and are back home with family. There’s isolation and distancing restrictions in place for many areas as we continue to fight Covid-19.

Many haven’t seen their grandparents for a long time. With the elderly being the most vulnerable to the virus, precautions need to be made and adhered to. No one wants to be the one who brings the virus to an elder.

The fact that you can’t come together doesn’t mean you can’t share special moments together. One thing I can tell you is that the older people are isolated and they are lonely. And remember not all grandparents have an iPad laying around to do zoom meetings. They’re counting on letters and phone calls.

I’d like to make a suggestion to everyone everywhere to send a card or write a letter to someone you know who’s alone this Christmas season.

It would be a very good thing if you could take the time to drop a letter or card to your Grandparents or an elderly Auntie or Uncle. If you think you have nothing to say here are a few suggestions.

  • Tell them how much you miss seeing them
  • Tell them about school. What is your teachers name? Do you need to wear a mask? Does your mask have a special design?
  • Tell them about how you’re coping with Covid. Are you baking? Have you learned anything new?
  • What was the last movie you watched? Tell them about it.
  • Maybe relate a story of something you saw on the news.
  • There’s always politics if you know where they stand.
  • Relate your understanding of how lonely it must be for them during this pandemic.
  • Let them know what you’re doing for Christmas and what you hope to do in the New Year.
  • Tell them what the first thing you’re going to do when the pandemic is over.
  • What book are you reading? Can you tell you grandparents about it?
  • Any interesting friends?
  • Draw them a picture of you hugging them.

You’re limited only by you imagination. Maybe pick out three or four of the points above if you’re having trouble thinking of what to say. They just want to hear from you.

Remember to try and use your best writing/printing and send your BIG love and hugs.

If you’re a mom reading this and you have young children, this is also a great project to do together. Gifts are one thing, but a personal note or card is extra special.

If you don’t have any elderly family members, why not just write some cards for those who are alone and lonely.

You can write a message of hope and cheer inside. It doesn’t need to be to anyone specific. Some elders don’t have any family nearby and are truly alone at this stressful time.

Write out ten cards and drop them at a senior care home. The staff will know who to give them to–such a small gift that could have a powerful impact.

Write something like: Hello! Just a note of Holiday cheer to wish you well over this Christmas Season. I hope this finds you well. (This may sound a bit cheesy so go ahead and write whatever is in your heart. It doesn’t have to be long or complicated–a simple message works.)

Auntie Lesson:

Sometimes it’s more about giving a bit of yourself to another than it is about gifts and such. Don’t forget the elders in your life or community. It may seem incidental to you but to receive a holiday card that is bright and cheerful could be the highlight of an elders day.

Hugs to all.


4 thoughts on “How You Can Make an Elders Day a Bit Better”

  1. I love the ideas in here for writing letters. I sponsor a child in another country, and I never know what to say. Am thinking I can get ideas from this list.

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