Auntie Says..., Faye Arcand

Making Risky Choices. What’s the Scariest Thing You’ve Ever Done?


We go through life choosing different paths.

Sometimes we veer left when perhaps it would have been wiser to keep going straight ahead.

There are times when we hit bumps in the road that cause falls, scrapes, broken bones, busted dreams, and even worse.

The thing is, choice result in lessons learned and personal growth. It can give you confidence and satisfaction but it can also cut you down.

You need to weigh the risk and make smart decisions. It could save you in the end from some harsh realities.

I’ve done some pretty risky things through my life (some not too smart). Here’s a few example…

  • Walked through downtown alleys in Hong Kong–alone–at night.
  • Climbed to the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge–okay, I was harnessed in but still it was pretty scary.
  • I’ve hitch-hiked…well, probably not since I was a teenager but still…not smart.
  • I’ve dangled off the sides of cliffs–don’t ask me why! I ended up developing a fear of heights.
  • Climbed coconut trees, para-glided, zip lined, testified in front of a jury.
  • Been in earthquakes, typhoons, and scary little buses with rusty floor with holes where you could see the road whiz by below.
  • I’ve gone on blind dates with some pretty strange dudes, walked through jails, fired guns, been sprayed with bear spray, and even ran from a burning building.
  • It didn’t phase me to move to a new country where I didn’t speak the language or know anyone.
  • Travel alone to foreign environments.
  • Start a new job. Marriage. Pregnancy. Birth. Child rearing. Dump idiot boyfriends.

This is just the tip of the iceberg but in my youth I felt life was meant to be lived and believe me, very little stopped me.

I’m fortunate in that I’m still here to tell you about them.

And of course being the Auntie I am, I’d always urge caution and safety: stop and think things out and educate yourself on the risks of whatever you’re planning on doing.

It really is ok to say no or to back off. If you need a sane ear, let me know and I’ll chat with you about making decisions.

Don’t forget to weigh the pros and cons and be smart. There may be another way.

But all that being said, the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done was get my eyebrows tattooed (aka micro-blading).

I just published a blog about body art (you can read it here) and I said no tats on the face. Ugh…I’d actually forgotten I had my eyebrows done. I think it’s probably because I blocked it out of my memory. But! I still don’t want you to get tats all over your face. Eyebrows is one thing, while a snake slittering out of your nose and words tatted across your forehead are ludicrous–don’t do that (that’s what I meant).

I can not for the life of me understand, why and/or how, I let someone near me to make permanent marks on my face.

A couple of years ago, I decided one day I was done with the “no-eyebrow” thing. My brows are blonde and difficult to see and I said that for the second half of my life I wanted eyebrows. lol.

So, long-story-short I asked around and ended up a salon ran by woman who did it out of her basement. OMG–seriously?!

I’m not a fan of cosmetic tattooing. The eye-liner or lip-liners I find can end up dated and unless they’re done really, really well, they can look overdone or fake. I think I lucked out.

I’m happy with the result and my terror was for naught. Phew. It coulda been sooooo bad.

What’s the most terrifying thing you’ve ever done?

Auntie Lesson:

Here’s the thing. We all take risks and we need to be responsible for the consequences. If you’re going to do something you know is dangerous then try and slow down and consider the reality. Be open to changing your mind and don’t be pushed to do something you don’t want to do. Remember too that experiences come with lessons. It’s up to you to decipher what that lesson may be and for you to remember it so you don’t repeat a negative experience. Be safe. Be smart. If your gut is saying no…you should listen.

9 thoughts on “Making Risky Choices. What’s the Scariest Thing You’ve Ever Done?”

  1. Oh my gosh! Not me, I’ve always been a scaredy-cat. I enjoyed this read. Great advice.

    1. Hi Heather. Thanks so much for stopping by. I know I’m a scaredy-cat with this type of stuff too…still wondering where my fear went that day. lol. Glad you enjoyed it. xo

  2. Oh, I remember something I did that was very scary. I drove a snowmobile on to a frozen pond. It was covered with snow so I didn’t realize it was a pond until I was in the middle and had to go back.

    1. Oh Heather!! I remember doing that once too and hearing the cracking sounds–I thought I was gonna go thru the ice. How scary when you didn’t even know there was a pond there. Yikes.

  3. What a fun post! I think most of us take risks good and bad when we are young. I know once I became a mother I became scared of many things. I am always thinking of my kids. Its crazy how your mind changes when you become a mom!

    1. Hi Azilde. Yes. Me too. Nothing seemed worth it anymore cuz I needed to be there for my son. So true. There were even tv shows I couldn’t watch anymore. lol. Nice to see you btw. Thanks for popping in. xoxo

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