Auntie Says...

How Does an Auntie Get Any Better Than What She is Already? Well, I’m Glad You Asked.

Hi Everyone. I’ve been doing this Auntie blog for a couple of years and it has been very well received but….

There’s always that ‘but’, right?!

Here’s the thing. I would dearly love for Auntie to be out there in the world, yakkity yakking in everyones’ ear. It’s this intrinsic need and drive inside of me to share my knowledge, experience, and to gently nudge some to perhaps entertain a change.

Sometimes there comes a time when you have to shake things up a little bit and for me, that time is now.

What does this look like? Hmm. Well I suppose theres a few things I want to do.

  • Change out my picture… My profile pic is nice and all, but it time to have it show more energy and reflect closer to who I am.
  • Color… My website needs a refurb. What color would suit me? Hmm…. Thoughts?
  • I like the name of the blog and it really is WHO I am, so that can stay.
  • yesterday at a marketing session on the Festival I ran, it was suggested that I have a charactciture made up of Auntie…Hmmm. An interesting idea.
  • some suggested a podcast. Do people actually listen to those things?

What’s great is that there’s a lot of creative leeway and it reenergizes me, and hopefully you too, in moving forward toward a fuller product.

I want to be able to offer different downloads and inspiration. So keep reading and perhaps in the meantime you could throw your ideas this way.

What would you like to see from Auntie Says?

Auntie Lesson: Nothing stays the same forever. Even good things can be improved upon and deserve the attention worthy of them.

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7 thoughts on “How Does an Auntie Get Any Better Than What She is Already? Well, I’m Glad You Asked.”

    1. Hi Rosalie. Yes. So many are into graphics now, aren’t they. I’d have to find a pro to do this but it’s definitely a possibility. Hey, nothing ventured and all that, right?

  1. Love you just the way you are (from a song) BUT a change is as good as a rest. Looking forward to more Auntie says!!!

    1. Ah, thanks Maureen. That’s so lovely of you to say. The bulk of info will be reflective of what has been given in the past…just need to jazz it up a bit…lol Don’t be a stranger. I love comments. xoxo

    1. Hey Marianna. You know, you’re completely right. Change is good and it’s healthy. Some times just changing up the color makes a huge difference. It’ll take time but it’ll happen.

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