
Come Tell Me One Special Thing About Your Family.

It’s not only about genetics or a place of residence, it’s about a sense of humanity and compassion. It’s about looking out for each other and welcoming a stranger into the fold—dare I say into the family?

Auntie Says..., My Twisted Writer Brain…

WWW Wednesday #25 Have You Ever Seen a Green Dog? She’s Really Wonderful!

How Does a Golden Retriever go From Golden to Green? This is Piper. For Christmas she received a fun green light for her collar. It has three stages... two are like seizure inducing flashes and then there's this friendly one. She loves it. Especially in the snow Where it assists her at night to find… Continue reading WWW Wednesday #25 Have You Ever Seen a Green Dog? She’s Really Wonderful!

Auntie Says...

The Holiday Season and Depression Are Not Mutually Exclusive**

The Holidays Are Stressful And You're Not Alone disclaimer: **I'm not a doctor. This is a general discussion about the acknowledgement of depression during the holidays. If you are in need of immediate help, please call your family physician, contact the Help Line in your area, or call for emergency services. For many the holiday… Continue reading The Holiday Season and Depression Are Not Mutually Exclusive**