Auntie Says...

Auntie’s Asking… How Far Does Your Opinion Really Go? Thoughts?

Good morning. I hope you're all having a super start to the day. You know, I had a post all ready to go and I pulled it last night. It was all about Roe v Wade. But does it fall on deaf ears? is it worth wading in? where does your opinion take you? That's… Continue reading Auntie’s Asking… How Far Does Your Opinion Really Go? Thoughts?

Auntie Says...

Recognize and Embrace the Power Within You! Let’s Take a Look at the Role of Choice, Chance, and Change and How They Can Affect Your Life!

I came across this meme and was captured by it's simplicity of message on a complex and sometimes overwhelming thing called life. While it spoke to me, I wanted to take it to the next level and look at each of the three "C"s separately. Choice: I want everyone to stop and really consider what… Continue reading Recognize and Embrace the Power Within You! Let’s Take a Look at the Role of Choice, Chance, and Change and How They Can Affect Your Life!

My Twisted Writer Brain…

I Nearly Slipped Down the Rabbit Hole of Imposter Syndrome but Realized What Was Happening and I Refused

I found my strength as a young woman and an understanding in life that time was going to pass by whether I did anything or not. I shed the heavy cloak that protected me and embraced my own reality. For me that meant letting go of the shyness and uncertainty. This was years before I picked up a pen.